The recognized voice for the highest professional standards of responsible parole practices.
APAI’s Mission
The Association of Paroling Authorities International (APAI) is a global association dedicated to the accomplishment of public safety and successful offender reentry through training, education, standards of evidence-based research and best practices, providing peer-based technical assistance and support in collaboration with strategic partners. APAI also offers a Mentoring program that sees to foster a supportive environment for the personal and professional growth of leaders of paroling and releasing authorities.
To achieve our mission, we commit to the following priorities:
- Developing and promoting standards and best practices through training, mentoring, and research partnerships.
- Expanding membership, including international paroling authorities.
- Developing cost effective membership interactions, such as online training and meetings, using technology whenever possible.
- Establishing and publishing association resolutions and information relevant to all paroling authorities.
- Identifying ongoing strategies for funding for sustainability.
APAI’s Values
- We believe that the parole process is essential to a fair and just criminal justice system that enhances public safety.
- We are dedicated to professional development of those involved in the parole process.
- We are committed to the development, improvement and utilization of consistent and rational parole practices.
- We believe in the human dignity of all and shall demonstrate this belief to the community, victims and offenders through our practices.
- We believe in the development of leadership that creates an environment to guide, influence and facilitate best practices.
Why Join APAI?
“Through APAI’S Website and Social Media Networks, members have the ability to survey other Boards/Releasing Authorities regarding issues and specific topics in a fast and user-friendly medium 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
— Jeffrey Peterson,
Former Executive Officer —